ya simply can’t walk

into this north western pa country town

and not discover

that it must of started out

with some good ole sugar water.

this all in the wilderness

maple runnin in the veins,

can leave just the right man

livin in the snow belt

wantin a little run off

off the hills,

cause these arteries

are like pipelines

pumpin like crazy

out of this slumber,

wantin to be

in her everyday thaw

so subtly sweet

that it leaves me

wantin her lovely,

more than any overnight

about any kind of berrie

can be picked easily in the field,

can’t compare to her soft spoken

doesn’t have to be noticed,

fall into your lap just like that.

cause like syrup

that sticks to a spoon,

it runs off slowly

drippin the kind of drops

with her eyes subtly sweet,

leavin this old winter cabin blues

all about her maple lovin sugar makin

in all that sugar spoonin

gettin it like it

was meant from her

all the time countryside wide

smilin in curls inside the sugar shack.

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